June 24: Native American
Sample social media posts
The future depends on you! Tribal nations received billions of dollars in federal funding based on Census data. Make sure your tribe is counted. Respond now at www.2020census.gov #CallForTheCount
El futuro depende de usted! Las tribus reciben miles de millones de dólares en fondos federales basados en datos del censo. Asegúrate de contar a su tribu. Responda y agase escuchar ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al 2020census.gov/es

A complete and accurate count of American Indians throughout the United States contributes to better planning and decision-making for Indian Country. Your participation in the census builds on our communities’ progress and helps shape our future for generations to come. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

In the 2020 Census, individuals and households have the opportunity to self-identify as American Indian. They are now also able to write in up to six tribal affiliations on the form. Filling out these questions on the census form will help ensure that the 2020 Census is accurate and reflects the true diversity in Indian Country. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #IndianCountryCounts

The 2020 Census is our chance to be visible, to be heard, and for our tribal nations to be recognized. Being counted means standing up for yourself, your family, and your tribal community. Our people, our nations, and our future depend on each one of us to complete the census form. This is our opportunity to make a difference – the time is now. Let us join together and make 2020 the year that Indian Country Counts! #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #IndianCountryCounts

A complete and accurate count of American Indians throughout the United States helps determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to communities and tribes for programs and grants. Your participation in the census builds on our communities’ progress and helps shape our future for generations to come. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

On the 2020 Census form, you can identify your race as American Indian and you can write in the name of your “enrolled or principal tribe.” The space for entering responses collects up to 200 characters and records up to six entries so you can enter more than one tribe. Make sure to try to write in the official name of your tribe. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census