Census Response Information for Kansas Residents

Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality-of-life and consumer advocacy.
When Does the 2020 Census Begin?
Census Day is April 1, 2020. By mid-March, all Kansas households will receive their invitation to participate in the census. Data collection will begin in March 2020 and continue through July 2020. Households will receive a letter with instructions for completing the census beginning in March 2020.The Census Bureau will NOT call or email you.
Who Should Respond to the Census?
EVERYONE! Census letters will be sent to all households in the U.S. to collect information about every person living in the household. The Census Bureau is conducting special counts for people living in group quarters (college dormitories, prisons, nursing facilities) or who are unsheltered. We have provided information about how to count all residents, including military, newborns, college students, and those experiencing homelessness or living in institutions on our Kansas Counts Resources page.
How do I respond to the census?
The Census Bureau will offer the census form in four ways:
- Online: 2020 marks the first year you will have the opportunity to respond to the census online using a computer or smartphone. Online census responses are secure and cost-effective. Not only that, but a user-friendly interface offers help screens and the chance to review your responses before submitting.
- Over the telephone: All invitations will provide a toll-free phone number so you may choose to respond to the census from the convenience of your phone.
- Using a paper form: You may also wait (until mid-April) to receive a hard copy of your 2020 Census questionnaire. If you choose to respond using the paper form, fill out your questionnaire and drop it off at your mailbox or post office.
- By responding to a census enumerator: Census enumerators, also referred to as census takers, conduct non-response follow-ups in an effort to ensure an accurate count. Households that do not respond via online, phone, or mail will be contacted at their residential door by census enumerators for in-person interviews.
U.S. Census Response Accessibility: Did you know?
Census forms are available in 13 languages and language guides (video and print) are available in 59 non-English languages as well as American Sign Language, braille, and large print.

What questions will be asked on the 2020 Census?
Ten questions, approximately 10 minutes per person.
- Name
- Relationship to householder
- Phone number
- Household tenure (own/rent)
- Age
- Number of people in household
- Sex
- Usual place of residence
- Race
- Hispanic origin
Learn more on our Frequently Asked Questions page
Learn more about the census and its impact on Kansas, your city, and your community. Visit the About page.
If you are a member of the Kansas Complete Count Committee; affiliated with a state agency, county or city government, or local Complete Count Committee Chair, please visit the Government Resources page.
If you would like information, have questions, or have requests for presentations regarding the 2020 Census, please visit the Census Contacts page.