June 28 Faith
June 28: Faith-based
Sample social media posts

Todas las instituciones de religión inspiran o ayudan a nuestras comunidades a responder el Censo 2020. Estas instituciones hacen una diferencia en los lugares donde las personas viven, trabajan y oran. Responda y agase escuchar ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al 2020census.gov/es

The 2020 Census’ impact on our communities and our nation is profound. It shapes everything from whether we have fair political representation in Congress to whether our roads, hospitals, schools and fire departments have the funding they need to support our health and well-being for the next decade. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Our community benefits from everyone being counted, and we have one chance in a decade to get it right. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census

When you count yourself by completing the Census, you are also making sure your neighbor’s child has a seat in their classroom and their mother has access to medical care. We must work together to make sure that everyone in our community is counted so we all get the resources we deserve. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

We believe that all people, regardless of race, religion, or immigration status, are made in the divine image. Our existence and our divinely given dignity demand recognition by our government. That means we must all be counted in the Census. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
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