Social Media Enhancers
Call For The Count
Social Media Enhancers

To renew enthusiasm among Kansas communities, we’re planning a collaborative statewide push to engage Kansans in a “Call for the Count” week intended to elevate awareness, help assure Kansas includes EVERYONE and surpass our 2010 self response rate of 70%–our first step in getting to a 100% count of ALL Kansans!
“Call for the Count” is very basic and built on the notion of a phone tree. And it’s easily done from the comfort of your home. This can be a call, a text, an email, or outreach via your favorite social media platforms!
How does it work? – Ask at least five co-workers, friends, neighbors or family members to fill out their Census form. And then ask those who agree to call five of their friends and family members. And so on. The concept is in keeping with the idea trusted voices will be the ones to convince others — especially those hard-to reach — to fill out the Census.
Here is everything needed for volunteers to get started making calls:
The Kansas 2020 Partnership Specialist Census team is teaming up with partners, groups and organizations to provide Virtual Questionnaire Assistance (VQA) to their respective communities, clients and audiences. By telephone or connecting online, residents can safely have questions remotely answered and get assistance in completing their households’ census questionnaire whether online, by phone or mail.
Kansas VQA Toolkit
The attached materials will help Kansas 2020 Census partners to plan, schedule and conduct either or both of the two types of VQA programs:
Toolkit materials include:
A dedicated team of Kansas 2020 Census partners has created and will be hosting an online event designed to engage and motivate residents to complete their households’ census questionnaire. The professionally produced flyers as attached (both PDF and PNG) capture the Latino culture in a very colorful and festive way.
Censoteria? Combine the Spanish word for census, “Censo” with the popular Mexican board game “loteria” and the result is an event to attract a Kansas community we desperately need to get involved with the all-important 2020 Census.
Censorteria Details
1) Download a “tabla” or game card from
2) Calling or texting 620-789-1116 to request a card be mailed to the participant’s address
Censoteria is coming to Kansas! You can improve your community’s self-response rates by posting and/or distributing the attached flyers.
On campus or off, it’s easy to shape your future. Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country, including college students like you. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
On campus or off, it’s easy to shape your future. Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country, including college students like you. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
Responding is important. The 2020 Census will influence community funding and congressional representation. Information collected in the census will inform the allocation of more than $6 billion in federal funds for Kansas communities each year. That includes money for things like student wellness programs. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
Your response to the 2020 Census will help make sure communities across the nation are accurately funded and represented for the next decade. Responding is easy. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
Your response to the 2020 Census will help make sure communities across the nation are accurately funded and represented for the next decade. Responding is easy. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
No matter where you live, it is important that you are counted in the 2020 Census. Information collected in the census will help determine funding for vital community resources, congressional representation, and more. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
Students who do NOT live in university-owned or managed housing. If you live in off-campus housing that is not owned or managed by your college or university, make sure you and your roommates submit only one response that includes everyone who lives there. Even if you spend time somewhere else during school breaks, you should be counted at your off-campus address. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census
Don’t just talk about the 2020 United States Census, be about it. Your census responses could help shape funding and services for the next 10 years in our community. So, complete the Census online, by phone or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
The federal government uses census data to help plan billions in funding for the Federal Pell Grant Program. These need-based grants help students pursue undergraduate degrees, teaching certifications, and certificates in fields such as cosmetology. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census
Message for renters. Beginning in mid-March 2020, you can respond to the census online, by phone, or by mail. No matter how you respond, your personal information is confidential, is protected by law, and can never be used to identify you. It can never be shared with law enforcement agencies or your property manager. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census
Todas las instituciones de religión inspiran o ayudan a nuestras comunidades a responder el Censo 2020. Estas instituciones hacen una diferencia en los lugares donde las personas viven, trabajan y oran. Responda y agase escuchar ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al
The 2020 Census’ impact on our communities and our nation is profound. It shapes everything from whether we have fair political representation in Congress to whether our roads, hospitals, schools and fire departments have the funding they need to support our health and well-being for the next decade. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
Our community benefits from everyone being counted, and we have one chance in a decade to get it right. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census
When you count yourself by completing the Census, you are also making sure your neighbor’s child has a seat in their classroom and their mother has access to medical care. We must work together to make sure that everyone in our community is counted so we all get the resources we deserve. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
We believe that all people, regardless of race, religion, or immigration status, are made in the divine image. Our existence and our divinely given dignity demand recognition by our government. That means we must all be counted in the Census. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
The future depends on you! Tribal nations received billions of dollars in federal funding based on Census data. Make sure your tribe is counted. Respond now at #CallForTheCount
El futuro depende de usted! Las tribus reciben miles de millones de dólares en fondos federales basados en datos del censo. Asegúrate de contar a su tribu. Responda y agase escuchar ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al
A complete and accurate count of American Indians throughout the United States contributes to better planning and decision-making for Indian Country. Your participation in the census builds on our communities’ progress and helps shape our future for generations to come. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
In the 2020 Census, individuals and households have the opportunity to self-identify as American Indian. They are now also able to write in up to six tribal affiliations on the form. Filling out these questions on the census form will help ensure that the 2020 Census is accurate and reflects the true diversity in Indian Country. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #IndianCountryCounts
The 2020 Census is our chance to be visible, to be heard, and for our tribal nations to be recognized. Being counted means standing up for yourself, your family, and your tribal community. Our people, our nations, and our future depend on each one of us to complete the census form. This is our opportunity to make a difference – the time is now. Let us join together and make 2020 the year that Indian Country Counts! #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #IndianCountryCounts
A complete and accurate count of American Indians throughout the United States helps determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to communities and tribes for programs and grants. Your participation in the census builds on our communities’ progress and helps shape our future for generations to come. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount
On the 2020 Census form, you can identify your race as American Indian and you can write in the name of your “enrolled or principal tribe.” The space for entering responses collects up to 200 characters and records up to six entries so you can enter more than one tribe. Make sure to try to write in the official name of your tribe. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census
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