No es demasiado tarde

Spanish Social Media Posts


El censo toca cada vida, todos los días. ¿Sabía que hay 3 formas de realizar el censo? 

En linea:  

Por Teléfono: 844-330-2020  

Por Correo: Envie los documentos del censo por correo si los ha recibido. #KansasCounts #2020Census 



Perdió o no recibir su numero de identificación? No se preocupe! Usted puede responder al censo sin el numero de identificación. Solo responda poniendo la dirección donde usted vivía para el 1ro. de abril, 2020. Puede completar el censo en línea o por teléfono. 

Visite para más instrucciones. #KansasCounts #2020Census 



Como puedo responder sin un numero de identificación? En la dirección de web del censo del 2020, seleccione el enlace debajo del botón de “LOGIN” que dice: “Si no tiene numero de identificación del censo, presione aqui.”  

Puedo responder en linea sin un numero de identificación en cualquier equipo electrónico o “browser?” Si, responder en linea sin un numero de identificación funciona en casi todos los equipos electrónicos modernos. Para un mejor resultado, use, por favor las versiones mas nuevas de los siguientes “browsers”: “Internet Explorer,” “Edge,” “Chrome,” “Safari,” “ Firefox,” “Samsung Native.” 

Sera mi respuesta afectada si no utilizo el numero de identificación del censo Su numero de identification del censo nos permite aparear su respuesta a su dirección. Si usted responde sin su numero de identificación del censo, nosotros le pedimos su dirección con su respuesta para asi conectar su respuesta con su dirección.  

Si yo vivo en un garaje o en una estructura agregada a la propiedad, como poder responder?  Para responder desde una localidad en una propiedad que no tiene una dirección separada, utilize la opción: “Street Address,” escriba la dirección e incluya la descripción de la estructura (eg: “garaje”) en el espacio para el numero de apartamento o unidad. Si usted responde por teléfono, se le indicara que usted debe proveer la misma descripción. 

Como puedo responder para varias familias o personas viviendo en la misma dirección Todas las personas viviendo o quedándose en una dirección, asi no sean miembros de la familia, deben ser contados por la persona llenando la información del censo correspondiente a esa dirección. No existen restricciones con respecto al numero de personas que pueden ser incluidas en el documento. El Oficina del Censo tiene formas de resolver cualquier duplicidad debido a varias personas respondiendo desde la misma dirección por separado. 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 


Sera mi respuesta afectada si no utilizo el numero de identificación del censo 

Su numero de identification del censo nos permite aparear su respuesta a su dirección. Si usted responde sin su numero de identificación del censo, nosotros le pedimos su dirección con su respuesta para asi conectar su respuesta con su dirección. 




#KansasCounts #2020Census 


¿Qué tan importante es el censo? 

Estos programas estarán en juego sin fondos federales, determinados por el censo: parques, programas de alfabetización, escuelas, clínicas de salud, capacitación laboral, servicios para personas mayores, viviendas asequibles, estaciones de bomberos, programas para veteranos y centros comunitarios. 

… y cientos de otros servicios y programas críticos que marcan la diferencia en nuestras vidas. 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 



¿Qué tan importante es el censo?   

Estos programas estarán en juego sin fondos federales, determinados por el censo: parques, programas de alfabetización, escuelas, clínicas de salud, capacitación laboral, servicios para personas mayores, viviendas asequibles, estaciones de bomberos, programas para veteranos y centros comunitarios. 


¿Por qué es importante el censo? 

Los números del censo se utilizan para distribuir más de $ 6 mil millones en fondos federales a Kansas cada año. 

Por cada Kansan no contado, el estado podría perder aproximadamente $ 2,082 en fondos federales. 

Los datos del censo se utilizan para determinar los distritos electorales federales, estatales y locales. 

Las empresas y las agencias gubernamentales consideran las tendencias de la población al elegir lugares para ubicarse, lo que a su vez impulsa el crecimiento económico.  

El censo es solo un proceso de una vez cada 10 años; es crucial hacer un recuento correcto o los estados que no se cuentan se cambiarán durante una década.   

El gobierno, las empresas y otras partes interesadas utilizan los datos del censo para la planificación de infraestructura y transporte; preparación para emergencias, ayuda en caso de desastres, financiación de la educación, seguimiento de la salud y control de enfermedades, y muchas otras cosas. 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 



¿Por qué es importante el censo? 

Los números del censo se utilizan para distribuir más de $ 6 mil millones en fondos federales a Kansas cada año. 

Por cada Kansan no contado, el estado podría perder aproximadamente $ 2,082 en fondos federales. 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 


Su información es PRIVADA y SEGURA  

Por ley, su información No puede ser divulgada ni compartida con ninguna agencia de policía, departamento de emigración o podrá ser usada para determinar la elegibilidad para cualquier beneficio publico. Sus datos solo serán utilizados para producir las estadísticas. 


Como pueden asegurar la confidencialidad de los individuos 

Las leyes federales son estrictas en la protección de las respuestas dadas al censo. Es ilegal que cualquier funcionario de la oficina del censo divulge o publique cualquier información relacionada con el censo que pueda identificar a un individuo. La recolección de información es solo usada con propósitos estadísticos. Ninguna agencia, incluyendo “DHS,” “ICE” o el FBI puedan tener acceso a su información personal en ningún momento. 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 


Por ley, su información No puede ser divulgada ni compartida con ninguna agencia de policía, departamento de emigración o podrá ser usada para determinar la elegibilidad para cualquier beneficio publico.  


#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



Diez preguntas que el censo hace: 

  1. Nombre 
  2. Numero de telefono  
  3. Edad 
  4. Sexo 
  5. Raza 
  6. Origen Hispano  
  7. Relation con el jefe de la casa  
  8. Dueño o inquilino de la casa  
  9. Numero de personas viviendo en la casa  
  10. Residencia permanente  

#KansasCounts #2020Census 



Marca tu calendario 

No es demasiado tarde para responder por su cuenta al Censo 2020 en línea, por teléfono o por correo. Es más importante que nunca: esta es su oportunidad de definirse a mismo y disminuir la probabilidad de que un enumerador llegue a su puerta. ¡Responda hoy para asegurarse de que Kansas cuenta en 2020!  

#KansasCounts #2020Census



No es demasiado tarde para responder por su cuenta al Censo 2020 en línea, por teléfono o por correo. Responda hoy mismo y disminuya la probabilidad de que un enumerador llegue a su puerta. ¡Aseguremos que Kansas cuenta en 2020! 

#KansasCounts #2020Census 

It’s Not Too Late Social Media Posts

English Social Media Posts


The census touches every life, every day. Did you know there are 3 ways to take the census?  
1.) Online: 
2.) Phone: 844-330-2020 (Spanish: 844-468-2020)

3.) Mail: Send your paper census, if received.

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



Lost or didn’t receive your ID number? Don’t worry! You can respond to the census without a Census ID. Just respond with the address of where you’re living on April 1, 2020. You can complete the census online or by phone.  

Visit for more instructions.  

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 


Lost or didn’t receive your ID number? Don’t worry! You can respond to the census without a Census ID. Just respond with the address of where you’re living on April 1, 2020. You can complete the census online or by phone.   

Visit for more instructions. 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 


How do I respond without an ID? On the 2020 Census response website, select the link under the login button that says, “If you do not have a Census ID, click here.”  

Can I respond online without an ID on any device or browser? Yes. Responding online without an ID works on most modern devices. For best results use the two latest versions of the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Samsung Native.  

Is my response affected if I don’t use a Census ID? Your Census ID allows us to immediately match your response to an address. If you respond without your Census ID, we’ll ask you for your address when you respond so we can link your response to your address. your address. 

If I live or stay in a garage or added structure at a property, how do I respond? To respond with a physical location on a property that does not have a separate address, utilize the “Street Address” option, enter the address, and include the description of the structure (e.g., “garage”) in the apartment/unit number field. If you reply by phone, you will be prompted to provide the same description. 

How do I respond for multiple people or families at a single address? Everyone living or staying at an address, even if they are not a member of your family, should be counted by the person filling out the census form for that address. There are no restrictions on the number of people who can be included on your form. The Census Bureau has ways to resolve duplicate responses if multiple people at the same address respond separately. 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



Is my response affected if I don’t use a Census ID? Your Census ID allows us to immediately match your response to an address. If you respond without your Census ID, we’ll ask you for your address when you respond so we can link your response to your address. your address. 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 


How important is the census?  

These programs will be at stake without federal funding, determined by the census: parks, literacy programs, schools, health clinics, job training, senior services, affordable housing, fire stations, veterans programs, and community centers.  

… and hundreds of other critical services and program that make a difference in our lives#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



How important is the census?  

These programs will be at stake without federal funding, determined by the census: parks, literacy programs, schools, health clinics, job training, senior services, affordable housing, fire stations, veterans programs, and community centers. #KansasCounts # 2020Census 


Why is the census important? 
Census numbers are used to distribute over $6 billion in federal funds to Kansas every year.  

For every uncounted Kansan the state could miss out on approximately $2,082 in federal funding.   

Census data is used to determine federal, state, and local voting districts.  

Businesses and government agencies consider population trends when choosing places to locate, which in turn boosts economic growth.  

The census is only once-every-10-years process; it’s crucial to get the count right or states that are undercounted will be shortchanged for a decade. 

Government, businesses, and other stakeholders use census data for infrastructure and transportation planning; emergency preparedness, disaster relief, education funding, health tracking, and disease control, and a multitude of other things. #KansasCounts # 2020Census 



Why is the census important? 
Census numbers are used to distribute over $6 billion in federal funds to Kansas every year. For every uncounted Kansan the state could miss out on approximately $2,082 in federal funding. #KansasCounts # 2020Census 


Your Information is PRIVATE & SECURE  

By law, your information CANNOT be shared with the law enforcement agencies, immigration enforcement, or to be used to determine eligibility for government benefits. Your data can only be used to produce statistics. 


How will you assure the confidentiality of everyone? Strict federal law protects your census responses. It is against the law for any Census Bureau employee to disclose or publish any census information that identifies an individual. Data collection can only be used for statistical purposes. No agencies–included DHS, ICE, or FBI–can access your personal information at any time. 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 


By law, your information CANNOT be shared with the law enforcement, immigration enforcement, or to determine eligibility for government benefits.  


#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



10 questions the census asks:  

  1. Name 
  1. Phone number 
  1. Age 
  1. Sex 
  1. Race 
  1. Hispanic origin 
  1. Relationship to head of house 
  1. Own or rent house 
  1. Number of people in household 
  1. Usual place of residence 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



Mark Your Calendar

It’s not too late to self-respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail. It is more important than ever  – this is your chance to define yourself, and decrease the likelihood that an enumerator comes to your door. Respond today to ensure Kansas Counts in 2020! 

#KansasCounts # 2020Census 



It’s not too late to self-respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail. Self-respond today and decrease the likelihood that an enumerator comes to your door. Let’s ensure Kansas Counts in 2020! #KansasCounts # 2020Census 

Call For The Count Collateral

Call For The Count

Social Media Collateral

Yard Sign

Cartel de patio

Legislator Letter – 2020 Census

Call for the Count – Letters To Editors 091120

Call For The Count

To renew enthusiasm among Kansas communities, we’re planning a collaborative statewide push to engage Kansans in a “Call for the Count” week intended to elevate awareness, help assure Kansas includes EVERYONE and surpass our 2010 self response rate of 70%–our first step in getting to a 100% count of ALL Kansans!

“Call for the Count” is very basic and built on the notion of a phone tree. And it’s easily done from the comfort of your home. This can be a call, a text, an email, or outreach via your favorite social media platforms!

How does it work? – Ask at least five co-workers, friends, neighbors or family members to fill out their Census form. And then ask those who agree to call five of their friends and family members. And so on. The concept is in keeping with the idea trusted voices will be the ones to convince others — especially those hard-to reach — to fill out the Census.

Here is everything needed for volunteers to get started making calls:

  1. A basic call script with information about what needs to be done to easily fill out the Census.
  2. FAQ’s on responding, safety and why it’s so important to a community’s residents and families.
  3. A Fact sheet on Why We Ask each question.
  4. Spanish language resources.

Virtual Questionnaire Assistance

The Kansas 2020 Partnership Specialist Census team is teaming up with partners, groups and organizations to provide Virtual Questionnaire Assistance (VQA) to their respective communities, clients and audiences. By telephone or connecting online, residents can safely have questions remotely answered and get assistance in completing their households’ census questionnaire whether online, by phone or mail.

Kansas VQA Toolkit

The attached materials will help Kansas 2020 Census partners to plan, schedule and conduct either or both of the two types of VQA programs:

  • Appointment based – Residents can schedule virtual assistance to happen at a set time.
  • Event based – Partners establish blocks of time when residents can initiate calls for help in answering Census questionnaires.

Toolkit materials include:

  1. Introduction and explanation of VQAs, including contact information for member of the Kansas 2020 Census Partnership Specialist team
  2. Scheduling spreadsheet
  3. Appointment spreadsheet template – Names
  4. Appointment spreadsheet template – Phone numbers
  5. Event spreadsheet template
  6. Sample promotional flyers

Hola! Let’s play “Censoteria!”

A dedicated team of Kansas 2020 Census partners has created and will be hosting an online event designed to engage and motivate residents to complete their households’ census questionnaire. The professionally produced flyers as attached (both PDF and PNG) capture the Latino culture in a very colorful and festive way.

Censoteria? Combine the Spanish word for census, “Censo” with the popular Mexican board game “loteria” and the result is an event to attract a Kansas community we desperately need to get involved with the all-important 2020 Census.

Censorteria Details

  • Two scheduled events: Thursday, June 25, at 6 p.m. and Sunday, June 28, at 3 p.m.
  • Censoteria will be transmitted at the Kansas Appleseed Facebook page, with the Kansas Health Foundation, El Centro, KLHAAC, La Mexicana Radio and the City of Dodge City as co-hosts. The event will be visible on the co-hosts’ social media sites.
  • To access the game cards for the game, participants have two choices:

1) Download a “tabla” or game card from
2) Calling or texting 620-789-1116 to request a card be mailed to the participant’s address

  • The event will be streamed live for participants to join via Facebook. The comment area on Facebook will enable participants to ask census questions and receive answers in real time.
  • Ilie Sanchez, a midfield defender for the Sporting Kansas City professional soccer team, will help emcee Thursday’s Censoteria event along with Enrique Rodriquez Franz, general manager of La Mexicana radio in southwest Kansas.

Censoteria is coming to Kansas! You can improve your community’s self-response rates by posting and/or distributing the attached flyers.

June 27 Young Mobile College

June 27: Young Mobile Adults/College Students

Sample social media posts

On campus or off, it’s easy to shape your future. Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country, including college students like you. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

On campus or off, it’s easy to shape your future. Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country, including college students like you. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Responding is important. The 2020 Census will influence community funding and congressional representation. Information collected in the census will inform the allocation of more than $6 billion in federal funds for Kansas communities each year. That includes money for things like student wellness programs. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Your response to the 2020 Census will help make sure communities across the nation are accurately funded and represented for the next decade. Responding is easy. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Your response to the 2020 Census will help make sure communities across the nation are accurately funded and represented for the next decade. Responding is easy. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

No matter where you live, it is important that you are counted in the 2020 Census. Information collected in the census will help determine funding for vital community resources, congressional representation, and more. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Students who do NOT live in university-owned or managed housing. If you live in off-campus housing that is not owned or managed by your college or university, make sure you and your roommates submit only one response that includes everyone who lives there. Even if you spend time somewhere else during school breaks, you should be counted at your off-campus address. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census

Don’t just talk about the 2020 United States Census, be about it. Your census responses could help shape funding and services for the next 10 years in our community. So, complete the Census online, by phone or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

The federal government uses census data to help plan billions in funding for the Federal Pell Grant Program. These need-based grants help students pursue undergraduate degrees, teaching certifications, and certificates in fields such as cosmetology. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census

Message for renters. Beginning in mid-March 2020, you can respond to the census online, by phone, or by mail. No matter how you respond, your personal information is confidential, is protected by law, and can never be used to identify you. It can never be shared with law enforcement agencies or your property manager. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census