June 22 Children
June 22: Children Ages 0-5
Sample social media posts

In 10 years – what will their future look like? Every child counts in the #2020Census. Respond today. #CallForTheCount www.2020census.gov

En 10 años- Cual sera el futuro de ellos? Cada niña y niño cuenta en el Censo del 2020. Responda ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al 2020census.gov/es
VeggieTales: Everyone counts in the US of A! Every child counts in the #2020Census. Join Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and their VeggieTales pals as they talk and sing about the 2020 Census, the importance of counting young children, and the specialness of everyone—and inadvertently discover how often Larry thinks he should wash his socks.If you haven’t already, count your kids and babies – and respond to the #2020Census today at www.2020census.gov
VeggieTales: ¡Todos cuentan en los EUA!’ Todos las niñas/niños cuentan! Acompañen a Bob el Tomate, Larry el Pepino y sus amigos de VeggieTales mientras charlan y cantan sobre el Censo del 2020, la importancia de contar a los niños pequeños y lo especial y unico que todos tenemos. Descubran también, casi de casualidad, con qué frecuencia Larry el Pepino cree que debe lavar sus calcetines. Si no lo ha hecho todavía, responda hoy llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al 2020census.gov/es

I Count. You Count. We all Count. Respond to the #2020Census to make your voice heard. www.2020census.gov #CallForTheCount

Yo cuento. Usted Cuenta. Nosotros contamos. Responda y agase escuchar ahora llamando al (844) 468-2020, o por la internet al 2020census.gov/es

The #2020census is an integral part of the U.S. Let’s shape it together. Learn how at 2020census.gov. #ShapeYourFuture

Be sure to count everyone living or staying in your home, including newborn babies and young children, even if they aren’t related to you or are only staying with you temporarily. #KansasCounts #CallfortheCount

Be sure to count everyone who lives in your home on your 2020 Census form. This includes babies and young children, who are often missed in the census. Not counting newborn babies and children impacts support for programs such as children’s health insurance, hospitals, childcare, food assistance, schools, and early childhood development. #KansasCounts #CallfortheCount

Remember to count ! Congratulations on welcoming your new bundle of joy! If your baby was born on or before April 1, 2020, remember to count them on the 2020 Census. The census informs decisions about funding for things like health insurance, hospitals, child care, food assistance, schools, and early childhood education for the next 10 years—basically an entire childhood. Beginning in mid-March 2020, you can respond to the census online, by phone, or by mail. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future for your baby and your community. #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount #2020Census

Count all kids. #2020Census #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Cuenta a todos los niños. #2020Census #KansasCounts #CallForTheCount

Your response matters. Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Roads and highways. The #Census can #ShapeYourFuture and your community.
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